Copr Rebuild Tools

15. 08. 2016 | Jakub Kadlčík | EN dev copr fedora howto

So we re-built whole PyPI and RubyGems as RPM packages. But how exactly we did it?

At first, we just didn’t care about how to submit as many builds. Priority was to smooth rough edges in Copr to be even handle such load, therefore we only created few hacky scripts for obtaining all modules (gems) and submitting them one by one to Copr.

Although it was good enough then, in my opinion it needed to be upgraded so I decided to start project called copr-rebuild-tools. It allows you to do all kind of stuff that you may need for mass rebuilding packages.


Some of the features (see full list on project page):

Killer feature is that this tool considers services such as PyPI or Rubygems as “backends” and is aimed to be extensible by writing another backends with ease. Use a guide how to implement them. It is ridiculously easy.


First, obtain copr-rebuild-tools from git. It may be properly released and packaged in the future, but until then you have no other option except git.

git clone ...
cd copr-rebuild-tools

Next, you are supposed to create config for your project. It may look like this.

copr-config = ~/.config/copr  ; You can easily use another instance of Copr service
sleep = 20                    ; Seconds between submitting build after another

[pypi]                        ; Backend alias - this is the name that you will specify in CLI
owner = @copr
project = PyPI
python-version = 2 3          ; Whatever properties that backend implementation is able to work with

See some existing confings for better example. Once you have the config, you are ready to go. This is how copr-rebuild usage looks like.

copr-rebuild -c <config> <backend> <action>

Parameters kind of explain themselves. You need to specify <config> which is path to your config file and <backend> which is backend alias in this file. Then you specify <action> and its additional parameters. Use --help for possible actions.

So hello world example can be

copr-rebuild -c config.ini pypi submit


Rebuild only newer gems that you already have in copr

copr-rebuild -c ~/config.ini rubygems submit --new-versions

Build only first 100 gems positioned after foo

copr-rebuild -c ~/config.ini rubygems submit --previous foo --limit 100

See success ratio of your project

copr-rebuild -c ~/config.ini pypi stats

Get list of successfully built packages

copr-rebuild -c ~/config.ini pypi successful

Build only set of openstack modules

; ...
backend = pypi
set = ./openstack-modules ; Path to file containing one module name per line

copr-rebuild -c ~/config.ini openstack submit